Our goal is to share Christ! We meet our goal by engaging in outreach programs such as provide shelter & food to the homeless, supporting local and worldwide ministries. We meet every FIRST Sunday of the month at 10:00 am. Feel free to join our committee or contact Priscilla Peters for information.
One of our main missions, Turlock Gospel Mission, has been serving meals since
2008 and exists to help homeless and hurting individuals find hope and restoration
in Christ! TGM offers evening meal ministry, a shelter for women and children during
the cold months, and a Homeless Assistance Center, known as H.A.M. Center. TGM
has been raising funds and constructing a new shelter to better accommodate the needs of our community. In the midst of all these big changes, the TGM Board has continued to be a source of faith and encouragement to Turlock's citizens. Please consider to help to further the restoration of these relationships of the needy with God, family, and community through prayer and financial support. Please contact Martin Purdy for more information regarding TGM.
On Friday, July 12th of 2024, our team will be joining the North Central California Presbytery in assisting the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in Paradise, California to help rebuild the community of people whose lives were drastically altered due to the horrific fires back in 2018 and the most recent of two weeks ago. We will follow up with our testimonials and fundraiser on Sunday, September 8th, with "Pies for Paradise", which includes Pizza Pies and Sweet Pies for all. We are hopeful to be raising more support to "California's fastest growing town in 2023". Thank you all for your continued support and for your serving hearts.